Call 0330 223 0099 (24/7/365)

Helpful Resources

Below are a wide range of support services that are available to you.

You can self-refer to the services or we can contact them for you. Please call us on 0330 223 0099 and we will help you.

Get in contact
with us

Make a SARC

Call our 24/7/365 telephone to make an appointment:

0330 223 0099


All referrals from Police and professionals should be made by telephone:

0330 223 0099


Visit our Resources page to find our leaflet and information on other helpful services.


We are not an emergency service.
If you are in danger or need immediate medical attention, please call 999.
For patients in a mental health crisis or who are suicidal, please call 999 immediately if in an emergency.
For urgent medical or mental health advice, please call 111.
For further information about medical support, please click the button below to visit NHS 111 online: 

For further information about mental health support, please click the button below to visit NHS Mental Health Services: